Monday, October 22, 2012

MVP - Nick - No Plan B only Plan A in Success

 Nick (Junior) - MVP of the week

What’s your favorite color? Blue

Who your favorite sports team? The Pittsburgh Steelers

What’s your favorite food? Chimichangas!

What do you like most about working for Taylor Made Marketing? 
The people I work with are great.  They are energetic and fun to be around all of the time.  They are constantly uplifting and I love the team environment the office has. 

Nick’s Meetings
There’s No Plan Be there’s only Plan A to be Successful
Red Beard the Viking traveled the distant land so he could be able to provide for his tribe, but when he got to the island he realized that it was already inhabited by another tribe.  So in order for him to succeed he needed to bring his warriors there to battle them.  When they got there they got off their ship with their warriors they realized they were outnumbered 10 to 1.  When they turned to run to their ships in fear to get away, Red Beard had already burned their ships.  The warriors looked at him like they were crazy and he said, “we can either fight and die here today and we know we can save our tribe or we can go home and die slowly where we will still die of starvation and plague.”  So the men battled and fought and beat the other tribe which outnumbered them.  The moral of the story is that you can’t have a plan B because you’re already assuming that plan A is going to fail.  

Will Smith grew up always knowing he that he wanted to be successful.  It started at school where he worked harder than anyone and got into MIT for engineering, but he knew that to truly be successful he needed something harder and more challenging.  So Will then got into Rapping and then started with the Fresh Prince of Bell Air, which lasted 6 seasons. Again though, he felt like he needed to be more challenged.  He broke out into the movie world in Independence day in 1996, with many many other great movies to follow.  Now, Will he grosses over $20,000 a movie and his movies have a combined gross of over $750 million.

Will never really viewed himself as particularly smart or talented, but where he excelled was work ethic.  While everyone is relaxing and others are on vacation, he’s working.  He says you don’t try to build a wall of success.  You don’t say I’m going to building the biggest, baddest wall of success that has ever been built.  You say “I’m going to lay this one brick at a time, and each and every brick I lay, I will lay down perfect”.  You do that every day and you will have a successful wall.  You must do your best and not stop moving forward every single day.  You have to approach life like there is no plan B and you will make what are doing work and you will be successful.  

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