Monday, November 11, 2013

6 Lessons of Success We Can All Learn from Dale Carnegie

6 Lessons of Success We Can All Learn from Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie was a successful and famous writer and lecturer on self-development who also developed popular courses to improve public speaking, interpersonal skills and salesmanship. He is the author of many well-received books including “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” and “Lincoln the Unknown”.

Dale Carnegie rose from a humble farm background in Missouri to become successful and renowned all over the world. He advised that you can change other people’s attitude and behavior towards you by reacting positively towards them. In this article, we look at six valuable lessons we can glean from Dale Carnegie’s life and body of work.

Dale Carnegie’s Keys To Success

1. Take a Chance
Do not settle for mediocrity or set your sights too low. You might be selling yourself short by opting to be too safe. To soar above the masses and an average life you should look and aim farther and back up your ambition with sincere hard work.
Treat life as a game and do not take it too seriously. Push the envelope to progress as much as possible with your God-given talents.

2. Be Enthusiastic
Dull people do not have the enthusiasm or energy to excel in their endeavors. You should have the enthusiasm to get up cheerfully in the morning and maintain the feel-good spirit all day long. To do this, you can adopt a “Do what you love, love what you do” attitude. This will help you give your best to all tasks and your daily job. If you are feeling low, just act enthusiastic and you will find the trait so infectious that you will actually become enthusiastic pretty soon.

3. Love Your Work
You should learn to love your work which is the basic prerequisite to do a good job every day and excel in your career. If you love your daily job, work will become play and you will love every minute of the day. Plus, you will not feel like taking a holiday as you are thoroughly enjoying yourself doing your daily tasks.
So take up a profession that you like and try to make a career in it. You will feel that getting paid at the end of the month is an additional bonus to the daily joy you get from doing your job.

4. Learn from Your Mistakes
We are mortals and hence bound to make mistakes. The trick is not to get disheartened by them but to learn useful lessons that can ensure you do not repeat them. Failure can be a stepping stone to success if we are open-minded about it and learn our lessons. Do not get stressed by mistakes and failure. Use them as an opportunity to analyze, learn and improve.
Nobody becomes a champion overnight and it is the brave man who can withstand the blows of fate and respond positively who emerges the winner in the long run.

5. Do Not Fear “Fear”
Many people are simply too scared to succeed in life. Don’t be one among them, but imagine the worst case scenario and then make plans to accept and improve it if it actually occurs that is.
Face your fears head on with the heart of a lion, soak in the pressure and continue to do a great job every day. You will begin to understand that fear is just a trick of the mind so learn to ignore it with time.

6. Learn to Prioritize
Effective time management is one of the keys to success. Try to complete the important and hard tasks first at the beginning of the day when you are fresh and raring to go. The easier and less important ones can be completed at leisure later on. Use your common sense and intelligence to differentiate between the profitable and mundane tasks and prepare an appropriate time-table to complete them all within the scheduled time.

Dale Carnegie teaches us that we should never compromise with excellence in all our endeavours. Make excellence a habit in every task you do. Focus on quality and give your best to your allotted job. And if things look bleak, do not become weary or discouraged, but soldier on bravely without giving up. Like the Nike slogan advises “Just do it” without ado and get the work done in time with quality effort.

We hope the above lessons of success learnt from Dale Carnegie motivates you to make the best of what you have and do the best you can every day to improve your career and quality of life.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Taylor Made Marketing's 2014 Expansion Planning Conference!

Taylor Made Marketing's 2014 Expansion Planning Conference!

Taylor Made Marketing attended a planning conference this past weekend in Columbus, Ohio.  The event's main focus was planning for expansion with the expectation to open 3 more locations by the end of 2014.  Other focus points of the event were Human Resource training as well as individualized coaching from top executives.  The weekend was also a great time for the management team to bond together and network with each other.  President Austin Taylor comments, "It's great for everyone to sit down and together strategically plan the direction of our company.  Great things came out of the weekend and we're excited for the growth coming in 2014!"

Thursday, October 10, 2013

10 High Performance Habits That Lead To Success

10 High Performance Habits That Lead To Success
  You can’t expect to get the results high performers do, if you don’t adopt the habits high performers have. When you look at the successful people of the world, don’t neglect to consider the hours of work, the multiple failures, and the daily sacrifices they made to get there. If you are serious about taking your performance to the next level you’ve got to leave the ways of mediocrity behind to develop a new and improved you.

Here are 10 high performance habits that may require you to go against the grain but will aid you in reaching success like the pros:

1. Win the Morning
While the world sleeps, the high performer works. Could you imagine if you woke up on purpose, with purpose every day? How can you expect to achieve excellence when the first decision you make on a daily basis is to procrastinate the day by hitting the snooze button?

Win the morning by waking up earlier than you normally do to get a workout in, feed your mind with good books, and fuel your body with a good breakfast—all before the rest of the world is deciding whether to get up or not. Win the morning.

2. Do Hard Things
We are surrounded by people who want the fastest and easiest path to success, but not you—not anymore. Rather than run from the challenge that is keeping you from doing what you want, stare it in the face; learn about it; and embrace it.
“The road to greatness is easy”, said “no one ever”.

Doing hard things will teach you lessons you wouldn’t learn otherwise, and will make you stronger than you thought possible.
You can do hard things.

3. Embrace feedback
The average person hates to be told what they are doing wrong or what they can do better. Learning to accept feedback is not easy, but once you decide to seek it out and act on ways you can improve, you will dramatically improve your progress.

Embracing feedback doesn’t mean to do what everyone tells you; identify key mentors or coaches who are great at what they do and more importantly, who care about your future, then allow them to take you places you wouldn’t have gone otherwise.

4. Learn from Failure
No one likes to fail, lose, or mess up; but high performers use adversity to learn lessons, and refuse to allow them to disable them emotionally. When you fail, identify what you did well, what you can do better, and what you are going to do about it right now.

5. Choose your attitude
One of the most important decisions you make every day is the attitude you are going to have when you walk out your door. Don’t take your attitude for granted or it will get the best of you.

6. Do one more
As an athlete, you can do 10 reps in the weight room, or you can do 11.  As a sales rep you can choose to make 15 calls or choose to do 16. One of the best ways to build mental strength is to do something you might not want to do, but you know will help you.
Do one more—because the average person won’t.

7. Have a purpose
The clearer you can see your target, the more likely you are to hit it. High performers don’t do things “just because”, as mentioned earlier, they do things on purpose, with purpose. When you know why you do what you do, you’ll have more power to do it.

8. Recommit every single day
One reason the average person doesn’t achieve their goals is because life catches up to them and they allow the things that they have to do blind them from the things they want to do. Every day, recommit to the things that matter most.

You empower yourself when your priorities are in line.

9. Be patient
Success is made in a slow-cooker, not a microwave. High performers understand that overnight success comes after years of hard work. Be patient with yourself, keep your eyes on the prize and focus on the process, the results will take care of themselves.

10. Fear no one
Refuse to allow people to intimidate you. You don’t need anyone’s permission to do something great. Putting others on a pedestal because of their talent, experience, and or accolades makes you susceptible to beating up on yourself because you feel that you’re not as good as they are. Anyone can be beat, including you; so respect your competition but refuse to fear them—who knows, they may fear you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Taylor Made Marketing’s Rising Star – Austin Taylor

Taylor Made Marketing’s Rising Star – Austin Taylor

Taylor Made Marketing’s President, Austin Taylor, was recognized on his accomplishments this past year by getting invited to attend a Rising Star getaway in Arizona.  The Rising Star event, which will take place just a couple days before Taylor Made’s Rest and Relaxation weekend, is an event to recognize top leaders in the industry throughout the nation.  Austin comments, “I’m extremely grateful and honored to be chosen for this. It will be a great opportunity to receive individualized coaching and training to become even better.” Congrats Austin enjoy your fun in the sun and we look forward to see even more success in the future!