Thursday, February 7, 2013

Work Hard, Play Hard – Taylor Made Marketing has both!!

Work hard and Play hard with Taylor Made Marketing!

One thing Taylor Made Marketing really prides themselves’ on is their work hard, play hard office philosophy.  Fun creates a more positive environment, which in turn creates better productivity and just an overall better office culture.  Just because Taylor Made values fun, doesn’t mean that employees don’t take their work seriously or slack off.  
Although, having office competitions, playing games, and having some minor pranks at Taylor Made Marketing are extremely fun, there are other reasons why fun in the workplace is essential!

  1.   Employees look forward to coming to work.  No body what’s to have a job where the dread heading to the office every day and Taylor Made Marketing definitely doesn’t want to be that dreaded office!  By incorporating fun in the office on a daily basis Taylor Made’s employees are excited to come to work each and every day. 
  2. Creates bonds and friendships within the office.  Hanging out at a happy hour or being on a team during an office competition allows for Taylor Made’s employees to create bonds and friendships within the office.  Having these relationships also helps to make more of the family type atmosphere that’s important to Taylor Made Marketing as well.
  3. Enables a team environment.  Employees are more comfortable working together and get support and coaching from one another.  When coworkers better know each other they can better see one another's strengths and weakness which allows for better coaching and employees can support each other more effectively. 
  4. Decreases stress which in turn ultimately increases productivity.  Plain and simple more fun equals less stress, so our employees can focus on work when it’s time to work and fun when it’s time to have fun.
  5.   Learn what makes each other tick.  Building relationships during fun times in the office can better allow you to learn what makes a certain person tick and what motivates them.  This, again, in turn can allow for better and more personalized coaching and motivating

Some things that Taylor Made Marketing has done in the past to help create a fun environment include:
-          Weekly happy hours to encourage people to get to know each other better outside of their professional profile.
-          Having Competitions in the offices for bonuses, gift cards, and TVs.  Sometimes they are for a particular reason, sometimes Taylor Made just have them randomly.
-          Relay races, Pictionary and games or family feud or Jeopardy occur on a weekly basis.
-          Random small pranks, birthday celebrations, and coworker competitions take place daily.
-          Participating in and hosting philanthropy events which Taylor Made Marketing’s employees are passionate about. 

Just some of the Fun effects for 2013 include:
-          Making a Taylor Made Marketing softball and or kickball team for the spring.
-          Office Olympics
-          Continuing weekly happy hours
-          Monthly philanthropy events.  Currently planned is participating with meals on wheels of Somerset County, Cancer walks, and hosting a charity dodgeball tournament.

Check Out our fun environment for yourself by checking out our Facebook and Flickr for pictures!!