Monday, April 22, 2013

Meet Carolyn! Taylor Made Marketing’s MVP for March!

Meet Carolyn! Taylor Made Marketing’s MVP for March!

 Where are you from?  Hamilton, NJ

What’s Favorite thing to do for fun? Play Soccer

What’s your favorite Food?  Pizza

What’s your favorite sports team? RedSox

What is the most rewording aspect of your role as Account Consultant?  My whole job is pretty rewarding, but I’d have to go with the most rewarding part is helping to coach and mentor others who have similar dreams as myself.

What are the most valuable things you’ve learned while working at Taylor Made Marketing? Some of the most valuable skills I’ve learned are how to train and develop others as well as becoming better at public speaking.

How would you describe the work culture and environment at Taylor Made? Fun and Energetic!  Sometimes I forget I’m at work.

What type of person would thrive at Taylor Made Marketing?  Someone who is hardworking, motivated, self-driven, as well was energetic, friendly and competitive.

Why did you decide to run this meeting for the other Taylor Made Marketing employees?   I chose to run 15 success principals because everyone wants to succeed, but in order to do so you MUST have a plan and goals to get there. 

Carolyn’s Meeting:

The 15 Success Principles You’ll Never Want To Forget

1 – Prepare
The first success principle is preparation. It’s the foundation of success. With preparation you create your own opportunities. Once you have all the different elements lined up, it only takes a small opening to realize your goal. At the same time, taking advantage of big opportunities without enough preparation means risking your success, as you’re building without a well-laid foundation.
2 – Do something you love
You have to work very hard whatever it is you choose to do. Your work or your project will dominate much of your time and your life. Therefore, find something that you enjoy doing and do that. 
3 – Get started
You have to start somewhere. Today is as good a day as any to start. Get into action today and start moving in the direction you want. Putting it off can only lead to failure, whereas if you start and see an early setback, at least you conquered that setback early on.
4 – Move in the right direction
Keep everything moving in the direction you want. It doesn’t matter if things go slowly initially. As long as the overall direction is favorable, you’ll get where you want to go eventually.
5 – Use the power of dreams and your imagination
What you dream and visualize today will become true tomorrow. You just have to work on turning it into reality. Just as your dreams can only influence your life if you let them, the cities you build in your imagination can only become real if you build them.
6 – Think big
If you set your aim a bit too high you might fall short. If you set your aim too low you might achieve your goal… and miss out on the other opportunities. By thinking bigger, the only limit is what is possible. You’re no longer limited by what you think is possible.
7 – Focus on growth
Seemingly impossible challenges are just cleverly disguised opportunities for growth. If you take those challenges and, in solving them, improve yourself, you’ll find yourself continually moving in the right direction.
8 – Maintain your determination
With enough determination, you can succeed through almost any odds. Enough determination means you’ll find a way no matter the situation.
9 – Set a clear vision
Think through where you’ll want to go. Develop a clear sense of what your final goal is, and keep this with you. By knowing the destination you want to reach, you can continually look at your current path and decide if it’s a route that will help you get where you want to go.
10 – Set goals along the way
A final goal isn’t enough. You need intermediate goals that set the path. These goals should be specific, measurable, realistic, attainable, and timely. These intermediate goals define the steps that you need to take to get to the final one.
11 - Work out plans of action for your work
For each goal, it helps to have plans to reach them. Your plan describes how you can reach each step from where you are, or where you will be. Keep in mind that the future is never certain. Things rarely work out exactly how you plan. Therefore, see these plans as showing one or more possible routes, not necessarily the route you’ll end up taking.
Still, knowing the plan means you can avoid long detours that might compromise your chances of reaching a goal on time — or at all.
12 - Commit to taking action
Once you start going, keep going. Never, never, never give up. If you find an obstacle in your way, chip away at it or go around it. The only way to really fail is to give up. If you keep going you’ll succeed. If you hit the limits of what’s possible, you can regroup and find another way.
13 - Use affirmations
Affirmations are just short, positive, and above all direct phrases in present tense. Things like “I’m getting more and more successful.” The idea is that they reinforce a positive world view. With affirmations, you are defining your own reality. By transmitting a positive world view to your mind, it adopts this view. As your mind adopts this view, it helps shape the world around you to fit it, which means it helps make the world around you one that reflects a reality of you getting more successful every day.
14 - Get rid of negative influences
Avoid harmful influences around you that might shake you from your goal. Keep people and ideas around you that support your success and your belief in yourself.
15 - Be grateful and appreciate what you have
The final success principle is to appreciate what you have already. Realize that — by sheer virtue of the fact that you can be reasonably certain you’ll live from one day to the next — you already have enough. Enjoy it! Appreciate what you’ve achieved so far, and see that what you want, where you’re going, is not what you need or what you must do. Rather, these are things and actions that will make your situation even better.
Article By James Meyer |

Friday, April 12, 2013

Taylor Made Marketing March Madness Bracket Competition!

Winner of the Taylor Made Marketing March Madness Bracket Competition!

Taylor Made Marketing hosted a Bracket Competition for the NCAA March Madness tournament.  The winner of the competition received half of the pot and got to pick a charity for the other half to be donated to.   

Congratulations to Kyle for winning the Taylor Made Marketing NCAA Bracket Competition and we’re excited to put the other half of the winnings towards the National Breast Cancer Foundation!!

We wanted to find out a little bit more about Kyle and here his tricks to being the winner so we asked him a few questions:

Where do you live now? Lawrenceville, NJ

What University did you attend?  East Carolina University

What’s your Favorite Sports Team? Atlanta Braves

What’s your favorite food?  Vodka Rig 

What do you enjoy most about working at Taylor Made?  I enjoy the close knit feel of the office and the camaraderie that we exhibit on a daily basis.

What have you learned since working at Taylor Made Marketing?  I’ve learned how to not only grow as a person but also help others grow as well.

If you had to describe working at Taylor Made what would it be? Invigorating 

How did you choose your March Madness bracket?  Picking upsets, mostly luck though.

Why did you have Louisville going all the way?  Call it a “sixth sense”, Honestly, I thought they were the best team all season!

What made you choose the National Breast Cancer Foundation to contribute the other half of the bracket winnings to?  It’s a terrible disease that has affected many people in my life including family members.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Top Performer Weekend in Phoenix, AZ

Top Performer Weekend in Phoenix, AZ

In March, President, Austin Taylor was asked to attended a top performer weekend in Phoenix, Arizona.  This top performer weekend is a new event and will be held once a year from now on.  The overall objectives are to clearly define and recognize the top performers in the industry and give recognition for all the hard work and success they’ve had.  Austin was chosen because of the phenomenal year Taylor Made Marketing had in 2012 and is continuing into 2013.  Austin prides himself on the success of the company and continually displays his motivation and drive that there is always another goal to reach. 

The weekend ranged from getting coaching from top performers in the industry to enjoying relaxing day at one of the best resorts in Phoenix. The weekend wrapped up with a formal dinner where the managers were able to come together again and talk about their experiences throughout the weekend.  This social time helped make the retreat informational yet relaxing.   By attending All-star weekend managers were able to network, gain business experience, set goals, and have fun!

To see more Pictures from the weekend check out our Flickr HERE!